The Queue is a virtual platform that allows Lloyd's of London Brokers and Underwriters to interface visually while still maintaining a sense of traditional operation. The birthplace of modern day insurance, Lloyd's of London is a cornerstone in global insurance and its face-to-face operations are what make it special. The Queue aims to keep that operational tradition, and adapt it for a technologically progressive world.
The Queue was developed by insurance professionals with decades of experience working with and physically in Lloyd's of London. We understand how Lloyd's operates on the ground level and we know how to make this application work best for the people using it the most. We take suggestions for best use seriously - please feel free to contact us!
With The Queue, you are able to virtually sit in the box and visually see and speak to your brokers when you are ready to review their risk.
With The Queue, you are able to get in line to see and discuss your risk with your underwriter, engage with other brokers waiting in line with you and soon, submit relevant documents for underwriter review and stamp.
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